You don't have to be an amazing singer to start taking steps to improving your voice.
There are a few major factors that can help you sound the best in your song choice.
Many people are afraid to change the keys of their songs. Sometimes we feel like we are "failing" if we change the key. However, if you were a male singing a female song - you wouldn't be afraid of it! It's funny how that goes.
The truth is every voice is different and raising or lowering the key can really make an impact on what it will sound like.
Work with a coach to help you find where your optimal range is and where your voice naturally sits - this will help you find the right range/key for your songs.
Reaching for notes, singing off pitch, or bottoming out never sounds good. Changing the key can really help you make your voice shine.. and your audience will not know!!
Not only does warming up help reduce vocal injury.. it actually helps you sing better.
But - you have to warm up properly. A good warm up will accomplish the following..
Activate + engage proper breath support
Develop resonance + tone in all of your vocal registers
Literally warm the vocal folds so that they move easier for you
Build energy, stamina and proper vocal technique
You should be warming up each and every time you sing.
Working with a coach will help you learn how to warm up effectively.
If we are singing a song that requires a big chest voice sound, but we're singing in our head voice.. it may not be what the song requires to really bring out the right emotion and feel. However it's not always easy to find the right vocal placement. Singing your songs on an exercise word (ex. mum) that is used to help you find your chest voice really helps activate your muscle memory of where you want to feel the sound. You can use this to develop low chest voice notes, high head voice or a pharyngeal voice for those belting notes that you are struggling with. Simply use the exercises that you use in your warm up to wake up these individual registers and swap the lyrics for them a few times.
Learn to develop your registers with the right exercises and then apply those sounds to your songs.. and then switch back to the lyrics, but try to keep the same placement!
Happy Singing Everyone.