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Singing & Mental Health

We sign up for sessions to help us grow in our skills - but as a coach, one of the best parts of my job is seeing the smiles on faces after a half an hour of singing.

During these difficult times, singing has helped me with my own mental health and I notice that my headspace is much healthier when I dedicate time to doing something that I love.

Music has wonderful healing powers. You deserve this time to not only help you grow as a singer - but also to put time into you and your health

Here are a few fun facts about the connection between singing and the brain:

1. Singing lowers Cortisol in the body

2. Singing releases Oxytocin (promoting feelings of well being and connection to others)

3. Helps reduce feelings of depression

4. Improves Cognitive Function

5. Boosts Self Esteem

6. Improves Feeling Of Connection to Community

A wonderful reason to keep singing! Share this with someone who might benefit from all the positive effects of incorporating more music into their life.

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